Here goes nothing!
This is a blog that is dedicated to my loving wife Tammy and baby girl Giuliana who tolerate all my food experiments and even eat a few of them. I started this because when I talk to people about what I am cooking they always want the recipes and lets be honest I forget WAY more than I remember. So this is also for all those times. I use may different websites to cook off of and to also create my own unique versions that are either their recipes remade or recipes used for inspiration to create something completely my own. I am not going to make any guarantees on how often I will post but I will try to at least post weekly and if time permits daily.
Much of my inspiration lately has come from trying to find ways for my family to eat healthier while still remaining on the budget that had us buying the less healthy foods. From what I have found we have been able to stay on budget better when eating healthier because veggies and fruits are not as expensive as many of the prepared meals/pizzas or meats.
This is just our attempt at making a healthier family and being able to share our story and my love for cooking. (Plus then I can't keep losing recipes.) :-)